Monday, November 12, 2007

Toothache Swollen Face

The self-fulfilling prophecy - a sad example

La “profezia che si autoavvera” è un famoso concetto nel campo della comunicazione e della sociologia. Fu espresso dal sociologo americano Robert K. Merton nel 1948.
E’ un’opinione in origine falsa che però, per il solo fatto di essere creduta, provoca comportamenti che la fanno avverare realmente.
Nel formularla Merton aveva was inspired by another sociologist, William I. Thomas , previously the author of this theorem: "If men define certain situations as real, they become real in their consequences."

Why I mention this concept?

Yesterday morning in a motorway service station near Arezzo a boy died of a gunshot fired by a policeman.

The dynamics of the accident is yet to be verified, but seems to be confirmed has been a terrible neglect, an accident occurred due to inexperience of the military in the face of a potentially dangerous situation.
It seems that the police would quell with a shot into the air a scuffle was going on between two groups of boys. Incidentally, these were fans of Lazio and Juventus, two teams even say that they had to face, and in a situation outside the stadium.

I mean it could be any fools, or that it was a robbery or a fight ... nothing that is specifically related to football.
could happen anywhere, and any person, not necessarily to the fans. Those guys were, among other things, even fans.
The fact that they were probably or possibly had nothing to do with the actual intention of the police officer or fire to kill.
He currently is investigating how they actually carried out the facts and whether they are culpable homicide or manslaughter.

One thing that struck me yesterday, however, is that particularly in TV, long before the games began, many journalists face against obsessively repeated: "A policeman killed a Lazio fan!" Without clearly specifying what had happened.

tone, excitedly and without replications, was to understand more than what occurred was a deliberate, and issues related to football. And the same tone, both solemn and frantic, it was used repeatedly to recite this mantra: "It is now important is that the hunt for the cop shooting, the fans should stay calm, do not have to be guilty of violent acts against the police, it would be absurd to blame the category" ...

Violence which was then promptly put in place in several stages, and Rome in particular, where a neighborhood was almost put on fire.

I should think so ... was it not true that a "pulotto" intentionally killed a fan, however, Lazio?

The premise was wrong (journalists do not yet know well what had happened, so much so that I still do not know now) but a hasty interpretation of the facts has made sure that it really unleashed reprisals that everyone wanted to avoid. And what the scoop was provided .

The self-fulfilling prophecy, just ...
How many self-fulfilling prophecies may find every day at home, at work, in loving relationships ... in life?