Saturday, December 6, 2008

Schematic For Grid Tie Inverter


Today I made this cake .... I was commissioned by a friend who was celebrating 54 years together with his class because they were born in '54 ... I asked for the cake bring back that particular number as well ...

This is the basic recipe:


serves about 20 people Ingredients: 400g flour

80g of potato starch

100g cocoa 450g sugar 8 eggs

butter 2 teaspoons baking them
6 tablespoons water


-Melt the butter over low heat and let cool.
-Fit the egg yolks with sugar and water until they are a beautiful foamy.
-Combine melted butter, stirring up because you do not unmount the eggs, mix the flour with the starch, cocoa and baking powder, sift it all up and add to mixture.
-Beat the egg whites stiff and add to mixture.
(If you like to add 3-4 tablespoons of liqueur)
-Pour into a well buttered mold and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 1 hour.
(Always use the toothpick test before removing from oven)

the oven, unmold to cool on una gratella prima di farcire.

Dentro era farcita con crema al burro di Rossanina dal sito: e ricoperta di panna.

E adesso leccatevi i baffi!