Sunday, February 8, 2009

Twister Hammerhead Engone Probems


Ricetta di Gianni Signori


300g di farina 00

300g di farina gialla fioretto

200g di zucchero

400g di burro

3-4 tuorli d'uovo ( dipende dalla grandezza)

150g di uvetta

6g di sale

10 g di lievito o ammoniaca per dolci

aromi: vaniglia e rum


Si procede come una classica frolla facendo una fontana con le farine, nel foro centrale si mette butter and sugar should be mixed, after the egg yolks one at a time and then the rest of the ingredients and everything is mixed with flour.
It makes it rest about mazz'ora in the fridge, then make the cylinders, cut into slices flatten slightly (or in your imagination because of the shape you like) and put them in a baking tray covered with paper oven, then bake in a preheated oven at 175 ° C fan for about 10-15 minutes or until they turn brown on the sides.

Recipe typical Venetian of the great pastry chef Gianni Gentlemen ... I have tried .... are divinely good ... try it!
