Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Play Pokemon Blue In Colour Online


I do not know how I do not update my blog, but surely this does not mean that we have not eaten!!
know when lunch just do not feel like pasta or meat? I mean something different ... my husband says, "but why not pre
of the oranges?", And I "to pranzoooooo??" Siiiii, done that!

Ingredients: Rice
1 lt.
stock 1 small onion 1 packet of saffron
cheese butter into small pieces (I used a sharp provolone)
breadcrumbs 2 egg whites

Fry little butter and onion in a pot large enough. Throw rice and toast it. Gradually add the broth with a ladle as it is assorbito.Completare cooking the rice and add the saffron. To cool the rice very well, I had prepared the day before. Take a serving of rice and put it in the hollow of his hand, put inside the pieces of cheese and butter, rice and take more tightly to avoid leakage during cooking. Once formed all the balls, passing them first in beaten egg white, to which we added a pinch of salt, and then in breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil, best if you use the fryer, and then put them on paper towels. Preferably eaten hot!


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