Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How To Find Game With Cydia

Pumpkin ravioli with hazelnut cake

Indescrittibili, talmente buoni... Senza dubbio, la miglior ricetta fra tutti clippings of the many cookery books of Trudy!

Ingredients for 4 servings: 400 g

flour 2 eggs 1 kg pumpkin

100 g grated parmesan

nutmeg 80 g butter
few leaves of sage
salt and pepper

Remove rind and seeds of the pumpkin, cut it into pieces, put it in a saucepan with an inch of water and cook until it became soft (about 25 minutes). Drain well, let it cool down and pass it through a sieve. Then let dry well past the fire. Gather them in a bowl, add half and then of grain, a pinch of salt, some grated nutmeg and mix everything well.

Place the flour on a pastry board, in the middle rompetevi eggs, seasoned with a pinch of salt, add 5-6 tablespoons of water, first with a fork and then with your hands, work the mixture until a dough soft and supple. Then flatten with a rolling pin into a thin sheet and, using a glass ricavatene many records of approximately 5 cm in diameter.

Place in the center of each disk ripegate a teaspoon of filling and the dough in half. Press firmly with your fingertips so that the edges to be welded.

Toss the ravioli in boiling salted water and cook over low heat so that non si aprano durante la cottura. Scolateli con una paletta forata, trasferiteli in una terrina, conditeli subito con il grana rimasto e con il burro color nocciola in cui avrete soffritto le foglie di salvia. Servite subito caldissimo.


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