Saturday, August 14, 2010

Le Creuset Numbering System

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
700 g di zucca
400 g di riso
100 g di burro
una cipolla
un litro e mezzo di brodo
4 cucchiai di grana grattugiato

salt and pepper Method:
Remove the peel and seed the pumpkin, then cut it into pieces about 2 cm and place in a saucepan (large enough to hold after the rice) in which you do fry for a few minutes, with half the butter, onion, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bicing. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon. If necessary, add some broth and keep cuccchiaio half-covered container.

Then add the rice, toast, pour a ladle of hot stock, stir, then continue to add more broth until cooked rice (it will take about 18 minutes).

Spegnete il fuoco, regolate di sale pepate e incorporate il burro rimasto e il grana. Mantecate bene.


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