Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where Can I Buy Slouch Socks

tiramisu with bananas and Nutella & Banana Nut Bread

And after going to pump the king of tiramisu, I can only suggest that this variant buonissimissima.

TIRAMISU 'banana and Nutella


A packet of biscuits
500 grams of mascarpone
2 bananas
4 egg
4 egg whites
150 grams of sugar

Sbattere i tuorli, aggiungere lo zucchero e sbattere ancora, dopodiché aggiungere il mascarpone e le 2 banane frullate e i 4 albumi montati a neve con un pizzico di sale e mischiare il tutto dall'alto verso il basso.

Prendere un contenitore, bagnare i savoiardi nel latte senza aggiungere zucchero e poneteli sul fondo, fare uno strato di crema mascarpone e un'altro strato di nutella è così via fino all'ultimo strato che potete decorare con la nutella o con il cacao amore e le banane a fettine.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Make Orange Juice In A Blender


(bread with banana and walnuts)


a jar of sour cream (in supermarkets Nature)

2 cups and 1 / 2 of flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

a pinch of salt

125 gr soft butter

2 / 3 cup sugar

2 large eggs

2 ripe bananas

100 g chopped nuts

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease a cake tin.

Mix together in a bowl the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder and salt.

Beat with the whisk together the butter and sugar until the mixture is not white and fluffy.

Add eggs, one at a time, continuing to beat until they are well absorbed, then add the pulp of mashed bananas, mixing well.

Add dry ingredients to banana mixture, after the sour cream and finally the walnuts.

Pour into mold and bake for about an hour. Do the toothpick test.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Swot Analysis Of Laser Printer

Baci Perugina (Homemade)




Ingred institutions:

400 g Nutella
250 gr almond flour
150 gr nocciole tritate
100 gr nocciole intere
Cioccolato fondente da sciogliere
3 cucchiai olio di semi

Impastare per bene la nutella con la farina e la granella di nocciole.

Formare delle palline (circa 50 con queste dosi).

Take the whole hazelnuts and individually pressatele balls on the tip.

Finally, melt the chocolate with three tablespoons of olive oil and dip the chocolate kisses to cover them. Help me with tongs or spoons or more.

Refrigerate for at least two hours.


Where To Buy Lime Sulfur Dip


And it is so much that I do not update the blogghino ... but this does not mean that I have not cooked for more
family, what ever!!
I took a period of absence from the blog, but now here I am charging more than before!
Finally the heat is past and the desire to cook things a little more elaborate, and, above all, to stand before the stove or oven, back to great.
These balls are drawn from the first cookbook by Anna Moroni "Today you cook." I am a bit elaborate, but the success is guaranteed, they go away in a flash e si possono preparare anche quando si hanno ospiti come uno sfizioso antipasto.

Ingredienti per 6 persone:
800 gr. di patate
1 uovo
1 tuorlo
50 gr. di parmigiano grattugiato
40 gr. di pecorino grattugiato
pangrattato q.b.
15 fette di speck (circa)
olio EVO q.b.
sale q.b.

Lessare le patate, scolarle accuratamente e schiacciarle. Amalgamarvi l'uovo, il tuorlo, i formaggi grattugiati e un pizzico di sale. L'impasto deve restare morbido, seppure di una certa consistenza. Mescolare bene e lasciar riposare in frigorifero per almeno 2 ore ( or overnight). Remove from the refrigerator, form into balls the size of a walnut or a little more and pass it in the breadcrumbs. Wrap in bacon (if the slice is large, cut in half and form two balls). Arrange the meatballs on a baking sheet so formed, drizzle with a little oil and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.