Friday, December 31, 2010

Orchid Mini Greenhouse


A tutte le persone che passano,sono passate e passeranno dal mio blog auguro un felice e bellissimo buon anno nuovo!!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tombstone Quotes Funny


Questa è una ricetta che mi ha inviato un'amica. In realtà mi ha inviato proprio i quadrotti,per uno sweet sweet swap,e mi sono piacuti così tanto che ho deciso di provare a farli io!

300 gr. di cioccolato fondente
5 uova
150 gr. di burro
1 cucchiaio di fecola di patate
5 tablespoons sugar icing sugar

Whip the egg yolks with sugar, except a small pan melt the chocolate with the butter and let cool. When it is cold but not solidified add to the egg and sugar, then add the starch, and finally, the clear whites.
Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Once out of the oven let cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into squares and arrange on a platter.

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A cake I made this hilar tempo.E wire as the best chance make friends as guinea pigs to test?? I'm one who dares, in that it is always preparing new recipes for guests just when I try to surprise them every time, and I would say that I can quite often!
success with this cake I made was brushed in less than no time and all my friends have asked me the recipe!
Certainly, many will understand that it is a recipe that is cooked and eaten directly, but I will offer it, I assure you that it is a guaranteed success!

Ingredients: 200 gr
. of shelled hazelnuts 2 eggs
200 gr.
200 grams of butter.
200 grams of sugar. flour oo
salt 1 teaspoon baking powder
50 ml.
milk sugar to taste

Toast hazelnuts in oven at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggs with sugar and a pinch of salt when they are swollen and smooth, add melted butter and, continuing to whisk, mix well. Add flour and baking powder. Chop the hazelnuts in a food processor and add to the mixture, stirring constantly, add milk to make the mixture creamier. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and pour the mixture, bake at 160/170 degrees for about 30-40 minutes (depending on oven). Remove from oven and sprinkle with icing sugar.

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Ok lo so che arrivo in discreto ritardo ma non è mai troppo tardi per fare gli auguri di buon Natale,sono sempre graditi secondo me!In questo periodo ho un pò trascurato i miei blog,e cosa c'è di meglio che riprendere con una golosa carrellata di dolci? Credo nulla!
Questa è una ricetta che ho preso dal blog di Misya mia grande ispiratrice del web!

Ingredienti per circa 30 praline:
100 gr. di mascarpone
70 gr. di cacao amaro
50 gr. of dry biscuits
50 gr.
butter 4 tablespoons Maraschino liqueur or other sweet
1 egg 120 gr. sugar
coconut powder
pistachio powder
colored tails

In a bowl, mix softened butter with sugar. Add the mascarpone, egg yolk, liqueur and cocoa. Mix well to form a homogeneous mixture. Chop cookies in a food processor and add to mixture and mix well. Pour in 3 different plates, respectively, coco powder, colored tails and pistachio powder. With your hands a little wet with the mixture into balls the size of a walnut and roll them one by one in the various dishes
. Place the chocolates in cups and a tray and refrigerate for about two hours, or until ready to serve.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Free Letters To Use For Pastor Anniversary

Scaloppine with olives

Ingredients for 4:
4 slices of veal rump

little flour 100 g green olives stuffed
some capers
a handful of parsley leaves
a teaspoon of sauce dry white wine tomato

20 g of butter 2 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper

In a pan heat a tablespoon of oil with the capers. Sprinkle with white wine and immediately add the chopped stuffed green olives and tomato sauce mixed in a ladle of hot water. Cook on low flame for five minutes then remove from heat and set aside.

Spianate leggermente le fettine di carne, salatele, pepatele, passatele in un velo di farina e cuocetele in una teglia con il burro. Quando sono ben rosolate sia da una parte che dall'altra, spruzzatele di vino bianco; alzate un attimino la fiamma per farlo evaporare quindi unite alla carne il sughino di olive e lasciate insaporire a fuoco lento per pochi minuti.

Servite la carne ricoperta di sugo alle olive con un contorno di riso o verdure. Buon appetito!