Monday, August 13, 2007

Academic Poster Dimension

I vicini
Last night our neighbors seemed to be a dance party: loud music, annoyingly distorted by a system apparently used beyond its capabilities, but still understandable and cheerful. Every now and then charmed a song, and felt a noisy crowd, who complained at once, for a few seconds, until the music resumed.
We went to bed around eleven, and the music is not mentioned at all to stop. Never mind, it was still early, people will also have fun sometimes! I fell asleep with a lot of hard work, and then I woke up at about two: the music was always there, without any hint or end nor even less to fall in volume.
came to my mind every time in Rome my neighbors must have thought insults like those I had in my head ... We must be tolerant!
At 5 and a half I woke up again, the bells of the first use, as every morning. This time the bells were mixed to the music of our neighbors, who was always there to run strong, steady and impassive as the water of the river Congo. At that point I instinctively started to call myself that went off the current ... possible that when you need it never happens?
At 7 I got up, shower and breakfast, always with music. We ask for information to Debora. There are two possible explanations: either it is a religious vigil, which can go on for twenty-four hours or a funeral. In the latter case, the music can go on for three days in a row. If electricity shall be necessary to organize with the earplugs.


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