Saturday, August 11, 2007

Breast Images Breast Bud


One of the objectives of the mission in Kingasani, together with the installation of the center, is also re-establish communication with our partners in the old project, see his friends again , resume broken threads. This morning we went to visit Ngindu, the Institut Superieur du Commerce, Economic University of Kinshasa. While we were there we had a chat with the vice-chancellor, who has now asked whether the ISF can do something to install some 'PC' d'occasion "in their computer lab, which is dreadfully short of machines and means ... next round even to make a visit to the campus of Kinshasa, and I imagine that similar demands will come out of there too. Projects to do, willing and able, he would find plenty of them.
We hope to find time to meet with the other NGO partners with whom we worked in the previous project. One of them, unfortunately, we can not see her again. Mimi, the teacher of cutting and sewing of the NGO, passed away yesterday. It was she who welcomed us the day I arrived in Kinshasa, Congolese cooking my first meal at his house. She was the one who has sewn a shirt that I brought home the Congolese with me, the gift with which I was greeted by the NGO when I left the Congo. He was a person who ispirava subito fiducia, col suo sorriso e la sua calma. Un filo che s'è spezzato davvero troppo presto.


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