Thursday, August 16, 2007

Flucloxacillin Alcohol

Solidarity Photo

Il Presidente
Take pictures in the Democratic Republic of Congo is still an act to be done cautiously. Remains in force an old law that prevents taking pictures in public places, although in theory this rule is no longer compatible with the new constitution, for the police and then a car Photo drawn is a violation of the law, and an excellent pretext to intimidate some unfortunate and to be a bit 'of money. If they can seize the car then the price increases: they know well the value of a camera, and they also want to have it give us thirty or forty dollars, of course it put the memory card with photos seized.
The best technique, if you really want to do a few photos in a controlled area is to identify the chief of police officers and pay before you start shooting. Or taking pictures of the car in the race, when there is open road ahead. Or, better yet, keep the car off in his pocket and he left the picture.
This is what we learn from "tourist" a Kinshasa.
La situazione di chi da queste parti fa il giornalista o il reporter è invece un po' più complicata. Oggi mentre passavamo in macchina sul Boulevard du 30 Juin a Gombe abbiamo incontrato una manifestazione di fotografi e giornalisti, che bloccavano civilmente buona parte del viale nel senso di marcia opposto al nostro. Saranno stati qualche centinaio al massimo, marciavano tutti con la macchina fotografica appesa al collo, e degli striscioni che chiedevano l'impegno del governo perché cessi l'uso delle armi contro i fotografi, e si puniscano gli omicidi.
Io avevo la mia macchina in tasca e avrei tanto voluto scattargli una foto di solidarietà, poi ho dato un'occhiata al numero di poliziotti in giro, e al traffico bloccato we had before, and I thought that was enough thought. Santino tonight
Father told us "oh yes, they have recently killed two." I did not know, but in fact is true: in the Kivu region of eastern Congo where there are areas still not pacified, journalists are still victims of scheduled execution, which the government apparently unable either to prevent or to punish and suppress.

Today we are going in the return path in the opposite direction, after half an hour since we had crossed the event. We expected to find the queue, and instead traffic was flowing, a large police cordon was blocked the event and led all the photographers on the sidewalk, the parade was over.


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