Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Watykan Wybór Papieża

Frost Coffee

Buongiornoooo !!! Oggi ho scelto la ricetta del:


6 tazzine di caffè
9 tazzine di acqua
g sugar 70 g cornstarch
chocolate chips

Pour into a saucepan the first 4 ingredients and mix together with a whisk to avoid lumps. Turn on the fire and keep it down. Never stop stirring and boil obtaining a uniform and dense.

Pour the mixture into small containers or special vaschettine, let cool and decorate with chocolate shavings. Then refrigerate for at least 4 hours or about 20 minutes in the freezer.


Friday, March 26, 2010

What Does It Mean If Your Breasts Are Pert

artichokes in batter

For now it is time for artichokes and my grandmother every time she goes the grocery store takes a long time '. Yesterday morning I brought her a batter to cook for dinner and here it is.


Ingredients: 7

artichokes and lemon water 2 eggs

Milk Flour Oil for frying

Wash the artichokes and raised the hardest part, leaving the tender part. Cut into slices and leave for 15 minutes in water and lemon juice to prevent them from becoming blacks.

Meanwhile, prepare the batter. Elongated eggs with milk, beat with a hand blender and add to time to time in the flour until the desired consistency. So there the precise doses of milk and flour but giostratele you at your convenience. I wanted a very thick.

Pre-heat the oil. Soak the artichokes in the batter and fry. Just watch them beautiful golden scendeteli from heat and pat dry with paper towels.

The advice I can give is to prepare them just before dinner because the facts are just wonderful, far from microwave to reheat later.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Much Does Cost Change Your Name

Frost Oranges

This morning I received the usual newsletter with the recipe of the day. This was the freezing of cinnamon. I only knew the cold melon so I investigated online and I found that if I can do all kinds. Today I bought this and I must say I am satisfied tantooooo.


1 lt di succo di arance
100 gr di amido per dolci
1 bustina di vanillina
200 gr di zucchero

Decorare con:
noci, nocciole e mandorle tritate
cannella in polvere

Spremere un bel po’ di arance fresche per ottenere un litro di succo e filtrarlo in un pentolino.

Setacciare, dentro il pentolino, zucchero, amido e vanillina. Mescolare il tutto con una frusta in modo tale che non si formino grumi e portare ad ebollizione.

Spegnere quando si ottiene la consistenza desiderata. Lasciare raffreddare un po’, porre nelle vaschettine e mettere in frigo per almeno 3-4 ore.

Decorare con cannella e/o noci, nocciole e mandorle tritate.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Can Ridgeline Tow Travel Trailer

Philadelphia Cheesecake (without baking)

about a year, along with Tiramisu, Cheesecake has become one of my favorite desserts. I tried to play it at least three times and got three different results. With eggs, without eggs, cooked, half cooked. I finally found one that drives me crazy. Without cooking.


300 gr biscotti Digestive
50 gr di burro fuso
600 gr Philadelphia
1 vasetto (circa 150gr) di panna acida (detta anche Sour Cream o Creme Fraiche, si trova da NATURA SI il supermercato biologico) oppure potete farla in casa così
30 gr di zucchero di canna
170 gr di zucchero semolato classico
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
56 grams of sugar

coverage Ingredients:
1 packet of strawberry Tortagel
Fresh strawberries

Begin to take a round baking pan with a zipper and lined the bottom with parchment paper, not because it will go into the oven, but for practicality. Finely chop the cookies, place them in a bowl where you transfer the melted butter. Mix well to do in order to incorporate all the butter in the dough for biscuits. Pour into the pan and create a fund of approximately 0.5-1 cm with the aid of a spoon to press beneeeee. Refrigerate for as long as the remaining process.

With an electric mixer, beat Philadelphia for the well until it becomes a cream, add one at a time, leaving incorporate, sugars, vanilla, icing sugar and infine la panna acida. Sbattete per bene finchè diventa un composto molto liscio e cremoso.

Uscite la teglia dal frigo, versate il composto e livellate. In frigo per tutta la notte.

Per la copertura aspettate circa mezz’ora dalla fine della lavorazione e tagliate delle fragole fresche da porre a vostro piacimento sulla torta.

Preparate la gelatina seguendo le istruzioni situate nel pacchetto di Tortagel alla fragola, lasciate raffreddare per due minuti, prendete la torta e versate la gelatina uniformemente e velocemente prima che congeals too and see more layers to the surface. Put in refrigerator.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kitchenaid Refrigerator Water Leaks Back

Tagliatelle with artichokes cream

Hi! Last Sunday, as a good mother, I wanted to make a good first course.
I hope you will share with me the good taste.


Ingredients for 4 people

No 8 artichokes (only the tender part)
gr. About 400 of noodles
No 1 package cream
No 1 onion
½ liter of vegetable broth
Parmigiano Reggiano

oil to taste Salt and pepper to taste

Preparazione :

Soffriggere i carciofi precedentemente puliti e tagliati a spicchi nella padella con l’olio e cipolla, coprire con il brodo e portare a cottura fino a che i carciofi non sono teneri.

Dopo che i carciofi sono cotti, frullateli e metteteli in padella con la panna. Mescolare ed aggiungere il parmigiano , sale e pepe.

Cuocere la pasta, scolarla e saltarla nella pan containing the cream of artichokes with a few tablespoons of broth that you set aside earlier.

Serve sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and parsley.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Replace Can Diced Tomoatoes

Eggplant Meatballs Sicilian

Be! We could not miss even a small outline of which I and my family we are greedy and I invite you to try it. (It's the mom who writes today)


Ingredienti x 4 persone

n. 3 melanzane
n. 1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato
parmigiano reggiano e pecorino macinato
gr. 80 di pangrattato
n. 2 uova intere
n. 1 confezione di prosciutto a dadini
Sale e pepe q.b.
Olio per friggere


Preriscaldare il forno a 200°. Dividere le melanzane a metà per lungo e disponetele in una placca da forno.

Fate cuocere per circa 20 minuti fino a quando saranno morbide.

Let cool and remove the pulp with a spoon and place in a bowl.

Mash (preferably the blend slightly) the pulp and add the cheese powder, eggs, bread crumbs, parsley, diced ham, salt and pepper to taste.

Mix thoroughly and formed into balls and then pass them in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil. As soon as they are golden brown on you can serve hot or cold are excellent.