Monday, March 22, 2010

Can Ridgeline Tow Travel Trailer

Philadelphia Cheesecake (without baking)

about a year, along with Tiramisu, Cheesecake has become one of my favorite desserts. I tried to play it at least three times and got three different results. With eggs, without eggs, cooked, half cooked. I finally found one that drives me crazy. Without cooking.


300 gr biscotti Digestive
50 gr di burro fuso
600 gr Philadelphia
1 vasetto (circa 150gr) di panna acida (detta anche Sour Cream o Creme Fraiche, si trova da NATURA SI il supermercato biologico) oppure potete farla in casa così
30 gr di zucchero di canna
170 gr di zucchero semolato classico
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
56 grams of sugar

coverage Ingredients:
1 packet of strawberry Tortagel
Fresh strawberries

Begin to take a round baking pan with a zipper and lined the bottom with parchment paper, not because it will go into the oven, but for practicality. Finely chop the cookies, place them in a bowl where you transfer the melted butter. Mix well to do in order to incorporate all the butter in the dough for biscuits. Pour into the pan and create a fund of approximately 0.5-1 cm with the aid of a spoon to press beneeeee. Refrigerate for as long as the remaining process.

With an electric mixer, beat Philadelphia for the well until it becomes a cream, add one at a time, leaving incorporate, sugars, vanilla, icing sugar and infine la panna acida. Sbattete per bene finchè diventa un composto molto liscio e cremoso.

Uscite la teglia dal frigo, versate il composto e livellate. In frigo per tutta la notte.

Per la copertura aspettate circa mezz’ora dalla fine della lavorazione e tagliate delle fragole fresche da porre a vostro piacimento sulla torta.

Preparate la gelatina seguendo le istruzioni situate nel pacchetto di Tortagel alla fragola, lasciate raffreddare per due minuti, prendete la torta e versate la gelatina uniformemente e velocemente prima che congeals too and see more layers to the surface. Put in refrigerator.



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