Friday, May 21, 2010

Bike Shaped Cake Delivery

Vitello tonnato

Ricetta mitica di Trudy, riconoscibile al primo colpo d'occhio grazie alla sua famosa decorazione florale.

Il ritaglio di pads from which he pulled out this recipe deserves a photo, so he looks to have survived a thousand torments in the kitchen. It must be said that this is one of the recipes that Trudy was more fair (never missed an opportunity to criticize the many restaurants tuna sauce, made with big spoonfuls of mayonnaise and a little tuna or anything ...).

a haunch of veal elongated

some carrots 1-2 stalks of celery 1 onion
battened with cloves
zest of one lemon 1 cup

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar bianco

Per la salsa:
150 g di tonno
30 g di filetti d’acciuga
1 cucchiaio di capperi
alcuni cetriolini
80 g di olio d'oliva
il succo di mezzo limone
1 cucchiaio d'aceto bianco
sale e pepe

Legare e cuocere il girello in un brodino con le verdure, il giallo della scorza del limone, il vino, l’aceto e alcuni bicchieri d’acqua, tanto da coprire la carne. Cuocerla un’ora a calore moderato.
Lasciare raffreddare la carne nel suo brodino, poi concentrare quest’ultimo high heat.

For the sauce, go to the mixer tuna, anchovies, capers and gherkins.

Then slowly add the olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar and a bit of broth, until the good sauce consistency. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut the meat into slices and cover with the sauce. Decorate as desired with the broth, carrots, gherkins and some capers.


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