Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tops To Wear With Knee Length Skirts


This is for me a way to recycle what I find in the fridge ... but here it means a basic recipe, you can Varirata the filling, as well that you see fit, including under what you are at home!

Serves 2:
peppers 2 large and regular
200 gr.
100 grams of rice. bacon
diced 100 gr.
of tomato sauce 1 small onion 3 slices of cheese type
oil salt to taste

Take the peppers, wash and cut in half. Empty them of the Interior and sprinkle with salt, place in baking dish. Meanwhile fry the onion in a little oil and pour in the rice. Mix with the past and cook the rice until its almost completely cooked (as you add water to cook does not stick to the pot). One Fired pass the rice in a bowl and add the diced bacon and cheese. Fill the peppers with the mixture of rice to the brim, add a little oil, cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 1 hour. After this time, remove the aluminum au gratin and leave the peppers in the oven for 10 minutes.


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