Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Best Way To Prepare For A Night Of Heavy Drinking


Hello people!! I'm back. It took so much for this recipe But it was worth it.


orange peel about 5
Sugar (see recipe for weight)

Daily You can store the peels of oranges. As soon as you have collected a lot '(I 5 oranges) put them in water for 3 days changing the water several times a day. This process serves to remove the bitterness caused by the white part of peel.

the fourth day, drain, pesatele and get it the weight of the sugar needed.

Chop the peels and put them in a saucepan with the sugar and cook until the mixture becomes like a jam that is detached from the edges.

Spread the mixture hot on marble or on a sheet of wax paper and let it dry.

So take the ball, rotolatele in sugar and place them in cups.

Within a day the surface of the balls will become stronger and then you can keep them for moooooolto time in a tin.

are digestive candies are so good to eat after dinner.



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