Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Untoned, What Do I Do?

Mini Cheesecake Pumpkin Risotto Spaghetti with mussels

Una volta che ho capito come funziona non posso fare a meno di farle ogni settimana. Ecco le mie:


320 gr di formaggio cremoso (Philadelphia o altre marche)
150 gr di zucchero semolato
50 gr di zucchero a velo
2 fogli di gelatina
1 cucchiaio di latte
½ vasetto di yogurt (gusto to taste)
130 g Digestive biscuits
50 grams of melted butter

6 cocottine

First take the cocottine and line the edges of plastic wrap, leaving a very long . The aim is to bring out the cheese when they are ready.

Chop the biscuits and add melted butter. Put about three tablespoons of mixture into the base of cocottine, pressed well and refrigerate for the rest of the procedure.

Mix cream cheese at room temperature until it becomes a cream, add the granulated sugar, icing and a half cup of yogurt (I used the berries).

Put the gelatin in water, wait 5 minutes, squeeze and let them dissolve in a saucepan with a tablespoon of milk. Pour the gelatin in the creamy mixture and continue mixing.

cocottine Use and pour the mixture and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. To serve, lift the edges of plastic wrap and pull slowly. Place on a plate and lift the film from below. You can decorate the cheesecake with chocolate, strawberry cream, chocolate, caramel, whatever you want.



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